How to Use Facebook Ads to Increase Email Open Rates and Click-Through Rates

Last Updated on February 9, 2025 by Monica Snyder

Listen in for a streamlined strategy to increase email open and click-through rates with Facebook ads.

If you want to learn ads directly from Adrienne, then register for her free event happening August 21st - 28th, 2023

My dear friend Adrienne Richardson & I got together to chat about two of my favorite things: Facebook ads and email marketing.

In this video, we discuss strategies for increasing email open rates, increasing reads, and upping those click-through rates using Facebook ads.

We talk ad types, budgets, copy, creative and more!

This is a great way to get started with Facebook Ads if you’re scared of them or want to start with a low budget.

About Adrienne:
Adrienne Richardson is the owner of Powerplay Media. She’s spent the last 9 years mastering the Art and Science of using Facebook Ads to generate more than 450,000 leads and $75,000,000 in sales for my clients.

She’s been the Facebook Ad Strategist running campaigns for many of the ads you see on Facebook every day for both low and high-ticket offers using a wide array of funnels like evergreen webinars, challenges, SLOs, live events, and more!

Her methodology is known for giving business owners the best possible way to turn $1 in Facebook ad spend into a $3-6 return, consistently.

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