7 Simple Email Marketing Tips that will Improve Campaigns Quickly

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Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Monica Snyder

Welcome to email marketing tips that go beyond telling you to test subject lines, make your emails plain text emails, and ensure your emails look good on mobile devices.

Because the internet doesn't need another one of those kinds of email marketing articles.

So, I gathered some friends and put together fresh tips you can quickly implement for successful email marketing campaigns!

Email Marketing Tips in this Article

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Email Marketing Tip 1

Subject Lines are NOT the #1 Thing that Gets Your Emails Opened

Thanks to Kennedy, creator of Email Marketing Heroes, for this mind-blowing email marketing tip!

Subject lines are NOT the #1 thing that gets your emails opened. Shock. Horror. Nope.

It's your name, and really your subscribers' subconscious reaction to your name.

Think about it, I get an email from my Mum. I don't care what the subject line is – I'm opening that email, right?

Emails that only contain offers will only be opened by people looking to buy. Emails that are value-lead will be opened by more people, which means when you transition into an offer more people will see it.

Work on boosting your subscribers' opinions of you.

Email Marketing Tip 2

Boost Sales with Email Marketing Campaigns Specifically for This Segment

Your best readers will go bananas if you make personalized campaigns just for them! 🍌

Think about it – anytime you're called out as being special makes you feel special. It's the same for your email subscribers!

To make this email marketing campaign effective, you'll want to let your best subscribers know they are your best and you're creating personalized emails just for them!

One way I like to do that is by using this subject line & preview text: {{first name}}, a special gift for you inside because you're one of our best email friends!

What goes inside these personalized emails?

👉 Special coupons

👉 Sneek peaks the rest of the list isn't getting

👉 Extra training or bonus others don't get

Out of all the email marketing tips on this list, this one can have the biggest and most immediate impact on boosting sales from your marketing efforts so do it today!

Email Marketing Tip 3

Compile Months of Email Content in Just Minutes

Thanks Lynley Hipps, creator of Rave Reviews Toolkit, for helping us know what to write for effective email marketing!

Struggling with what to say in your weekly emails to your list? 

Start with questions! 

Jot down all the questions that your audience asks you on a regular basis. 

Pop into Facebook groups where your audience hangs out and see what questions they're asking. 

Then go to Google, Answer the Public, or YouTube search to see what phrases people are searching for. 

Then just answer the question in your email! 

You can compile months of email content in just minutes!

How to find Content on Google for Email Marketing.

Type in your topic and scroll down to the "People also ask" section. If you don't see that section, search again with "How to" before your topic.


Enter your topic to find tons of questions to answer in your email marketing!

Email Marketing Tip 4

Launch Landing Pages that Convert at 74.24% More than the Average

Campaign Monitor, a leading email service provider, found the average conversion rate of dedicated landing pages is 2.35%. 😭

That's a no-go in my world.

If a landing page isn't converting above 30%, it's optimization time.

Here's an example of one of my landing pages that has a conversion rate of 77.24% over the last year (not a typo)!

So if you're sending your website traffic to a landing page, here's what you'll need to get the most email subscribers possible.

  1. Create an offer your target audience can't resist
  2. Write a killer headline
  3. Design a beautiful image of what they will get in their welcome email
  4. Craft a few bullet points on why it is good for them to get the free gift and your email marketing messages
  5. Guide the user behavior with a single button with a short, clear, & desirable call to action
  6. Make sure the page looks good on mobile devices

These things will make a huge difference in how many email addresses you collect.

And when they are done, you'll be ready to drive more traffic to your landing pages and get more people into your email campaigns!

Email Marketing Tip 5

Craft the Best Email Marketing Strategy Specifically for Your List

Your email analytics are there waiting for you to use them for creating killer email marketing strategies for YOUR list.

Because, you can read all the email marketing tips in the world, but if you aren't dialing into what your list wants and needs, then you're not creating the most effective email marketing campaigns for your readers.

All email service providers will give you analytics related to your email marketing campaigns and you can even hook up Google Analytics for more in-depth analysis.

Take 30-60 minutes to review the campaign performance of your most successful email marketing messages AND the worst performing email campaigns.

Look for patterns and clues in the entire email experience:

  • Subject Lines
  • Preview Text
  • Structure of the Email Body
  • Personalization of the Campaign
  • Unsubscribe Rate
  • Date and Time Sent

Use these as starting points to create better subject lines, write email marketing copy your readers devour, and create your company's very own email marketing best practices.

Email Marketing Tip 6

Transform Transactional Email into Promotional Messages

Did you know that transactional emails are opened 8X more than non-transactional ones?

A transactional email is an email triggered by a customer action (like a purchase receipt, shipping confirmation, password reset, etc.). 

These emails are often overlooked as email marketing because they aren't created by the digital marketing team.

But while they serve a straightforward (and important) purpose, you can also leverage them to improve your sales performance and build a stronger brand. 

Here are 3 ways to make transactional emails do more for your business.

1️⃣ Call Them to Your Community
Invite people to connect with you, like and follow your social media, or join a community Facebook group. Do this to strengthen your customer relationships and keep your business fresh in the minds of your customers. 

2️⃣ Cross-Sell (Without Crossing the Line)
 You can sell more of your products/services that are related to their purchase. Customers in “buyer mode” are more likely to buy, so you can use this opportunity to leverage more sales. 

Note on how not to cross the line: ALWAYS lead with transactional information at the top and make sure that’s the main thing.

Here's an example I got from Amazon recently:

3️⃣ Cultivate Engagement
Simply ask people to tag you or your company on social media while using your product. This works really well if you promise to repost their content on your channel, or you can feature their post on your website, newsletter, or blog to increase engagement and excitement in your brand. 

So go ahead!! Add something fun for your readers in your transactional emails and watch your community and sales grow! 

Email Marketing Tip 7

Stop Avoiding Your List by Never Starting with the Subject Line

Thank you Ange “Gos” Payton, creator of 1 Hour | 4 Emails The Workshop, for this email marketing trick on getting unstuck!

There’s a trick fiction writers use to find the title for their finished story… find it in the story.

So let’s follow their lead.

Never start with the subject line and you’ll stop avoiding your list. 

Why not make writing an email easier?

Look for your subject line in the body of your email… find a cool phrase or something funny… or profound. Find it in the email.

Funnily enough, the worst at writing their lists are published fiction authors. I know… I’m on a lot of authors’ lists.

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Which of These Email Marketing Tips is Your Favorite?

So there you have it! Email marketing is one of the most convenient and inexpensive ways to communicate with customers, but only if you're doing it correctly.

These email marketing tips were created for you to improve your email campaigns quickly.

So, which one is your favorite? Which marketing email will you change up based on this? Which email marketing tip do you think is the easiest for you to do? 

Tell us in the comments below!

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