FG Society Review + My Affiliate Bonuses

Last Updated on February 9, 2025 by Monica Snyder

I'm excited to share this FG Society review with you! I  joined FG Society when it first launched and became a certified triple-threat marketer on Dec 1, 2020.

It is one of the best investments I’ve made for my business, and I’d love to share my experience with you so you can make your own decision on if it is right for you.

In this FG Society review, I’ll explain why I joined, what FG Society is, what I love, what I don’t love, and why I recommend you join. 

And, if you join by clicking any link on this page (my affiliate link), you’ll get my exclusive bonuses described at the bottom of this page.

Let’s start at the beginning…

What EXACTLY is FG Society?

FG Society is the Funnel Gorgeous certification program for triple-threat marketers.

There are three training phases:

  1. Offer Creation & Strategy
  2. Copywriting
  3. Design

Once learned, you can take the three exams (one for each section) to become a Certified Master Marketer.

But, really, it’s a community of lovely humans that are all striving to make online marketing work for themselves and their clients.

What’s the Difference Between Funnel Gorgeous, FG Funnels, and FG Society?

Funnel Gorgeous is the company owned and run by Julie Stoian and Cathy Olson.

FG Funnels is their software. It has a website builder, funnel builder, CRM, automations, and more. 

FG Society is their certification program that teaches the design and development of sales funnels. There are three phases: offer creation & strategy, copy, and design. These three elements come together to create triple-threat online marketers. This article is about FG Society.

Who are Julie Stoian & Cathy Olson?

Julie Stoian and Cathy Olson FG Society
Julie + Cathy
Julie is a copywriting genius that created a digital marketing agency. She learned about sales funnels and combined her copy skills with offer creation and design to explode her client’s results! Her 7-figure sales funnels were noticed by many in the marketing industry. She began creating her own funnels and quickly became known as an excellent teacher.

Cathy is a trained designer, and she noticed designers weren’t thinking like marketers. She is passionate about design, specifically how design, user experience, sales psychology, and offer creation go together. She used these skills to launch her own digital marketing course funnel, which earned her more than six figures.

They joined forces and are succeeding in their mission to bring gorgeous funnels into the world!

Why I Joined FG Society when it Launched in 2020

About a week before I listened to the information session on FG Society, I’d been invited into a mastermind as an expert speaker. That talk landed me three funnel build clients with year-long contracts. 

I knew I could fulfill those contracts well, but my network of help in the funnel-building community was tiny. I had nowhere to turn for help when I got stuck while growing my new funnel-building agency.

As I listened to Julie Stoian explain the benefits of FG Society, she asked, “do you have any questions?” I immediately asked, “on the weekly QA calls, will you be limiting questions to just our business, or can we ask questions about our client’s funnels?”

Julie explained they’d be happy to answer questions about any funnel we were working on, whether it was ours or a client’s.

And that’s when I entered my credit card information and paid.

Because I knew I’d need a place to turn when Facebook Ads went wonky, or a client asked a question I didn’t have a ton of experience with, or whatever else could happen in the ever-changing world of digital marketing (this was in the summer of 2020, the height of Covid-19, and everything was changing).

Now, before you think… Monica, I don’t have three new clients to help me pay for this… keep reading. Because I would have joined even if I had zero clients.

What Makes FG Society Unique?

The community. Hands down.

Julie Stoian and Cathy Olson are wonderful.

The training is world-class.

But the community… it’s unmatched anywhere I’ve seen.

Everyone is beyond helpful to both new people and people that have been around for a while.

→ lift you up when you’re down
→ support you when you’re confused
→ let you ask the “dumb” questions you’re afraid to ask anywhere else
→ hire you when they can
→ tag you to recommend you in other places on the web

Here are a couple of times I posted in the Facebook Group and was overwhelmed with the generosity of the people in FG Society to share their knowledge.

What About the Training? How is it?

Coming into FG Society, I’d already been in digital marketing for years and built several funnels. So, honestly, I wasn’t expecting to learn much. 

Oh boy, was I wrong. 

Let’s jump into each section of the training, shall we?

Phase One: Offer Creation + Funnel Strategy

The way Julie lays out strategies in part one cleared up so many things that had confused me in all the other trainings I’d been in, especially around starting a business. 

This part of the curriculum starts with the different online business models and three ways businesses start. 

Then, it all gets tied into what is called a “value ladder,” which is a term for a set of funnels that work together. 

Phase Two: Funnel Copy

In this part, Julie dives deep into sales copywriting. She starts by explaining what direct response marketing is and why it is used in funnels.

She covers all the key aspects of writing excellent copy, so your selling skills will soar.

I also appreciated that she covers the different types of copywriting, from webinars to sales pages.

Phase Three: Funnel Design

This section is where Cathy gets to shine. It’s clear she’s a design expert, and the way she thinks about design is unique because she’s also an excellent copywriter. 

Her way of explaining things is fun and more visual. For example, she talks about giving certain design elements “air” – aka space around them. 

Phase 3 helped me improve my design skills and has paid off very well in conversion rates!

How Julie + Cathy Teach

Overall, Julie’s way of teaching is very “no-fluff” and to the point. It’s clear she’s been a teacher for many years and can explain things very simply and thoroughly. Or, at least that’s what I found because Julie’s teaching style matches my learning style.

Cathy’s beautiful brain doesn’t work quite like mine, so I found myself watching her training a few times. She thinks visually, so if that’s you, you’ll love her style. For me, it was more of a struggle than Julie’s teaching, but I also was learning more from Cathy because design is the part I knew least about coming into FG Society. 

I do love that they both give multiple examples of most teachings. This helps me clarify the finer points of what they teach in the official course materials.

How Hard is Getting Certified?

It was hard, but I liked that.

I didn’t want an easy certification. I wanted it to mean something. 

Each phase has an exam to pass, and passing each exam gave me that feeling of accomplishment without being something so easy anyone could do it.

They do give you the questions to study and it is open book, meaning you are free to reference the materials. This definitely makes it easier, but there were still a few tricky questions.

For your final test, you have to bring everything together into a mini sales page. 

I used this as an opportunity to see if a new offer I had in mind would pass their test. I’m sneaky like that. 😆

It did, and here is my final project that officially made me a Certified Master Marketer.


The Perks of Certification

Well, first you get this fancy badge to show off, which, I think is pretty cool. 

I’ve used it on my sales pages, and it brings authority.

You also earn a 50% affiliate commission on any of their courses. I love this perk, and I’m using it right now. 

The Facebook Group is where all those amazing, helpful humans hang out. That is available before you're certified so you don't have to wait to get to know everyone.

There's also an additional monthly mastermind call with Julie + Cathy where you can get any questions answered. This call is always great to listen to, even if you don’t have specific questions.

Lastly, you get listed on the Hire A Marketer Website. Let’s talk about that for a minute…

Hire A Marketer Website

There are a couple of things I love about being able to be listed on this site. 

The first is that you can create your profile in a way that brings your ideal customers. You can see how I have mine set up to speak to high-growth companies that need custom marketing systems.

The second thing I like is the email notifications. They pop into my inbox almost daily with people wanting to hire certified marketers.

Julie + Cathy have a large following, and anytime someone asks for work, they are directed to this site. 

So, if you’re looking for work, Hire A Marketer is a massive benefit of being certified.

Two of My Favorite Parts of FG Society No One Talks About…

The Templates

The templates in the course are top-notch and help me implement quickly. I’ve saved over $3,000 of my time because of the speed I can implement using the copy and design templates. 

I specifically love the greyscale funnel template in Phase Three and have taken the time to create section templates from it so I can use it quickly.

Proposal Secrets

Proposal Secrets, a bonus course in FG Society, completely changed my business for the better. In it, Julie teaches you how to flip the script on proposals, so you get PAID to do them. And it works brilliantly!

There is Room for Improvement…

While I love this certification and its uniqueness, it is not as widely known as a certification from more prominent companies. I hope that improves with time and as Funnel Gorgeous grows.

There isn’t much opportunity for full funnel reviews from Julie Cathy. The community is always happy to jump in and help, but sometimes you just want Julie Cathy’s eyes on your stuff, and that doesn’t really happen. You can ask specific questions in calls, but there’s no opportunity for a full funnel review.

Julie and Cathy listen to feedback and regularly make improvements, so this may change.

Let's Wrap Up this FG Society Review with the Big Question... Should You Buy?

Only you can make that decision. I can say this is one of the very best investments I’ve made for my business.

How Exactly Would FG Society Benefit You as...

…an Agency Owner?
You can find new clients and add a new service.

…a SAAS Company?
You can learn to acquire customers for free (yes, really).

…an Online Business Owner?
You can create additional revenue streams.

…as a Blogger?
You can earn more with funnels and digital products.

…as a Freelancer?
You can add funnels to your services and charge more.

…as an Author?
You can create funnels for people to buy your books.

…as a Course Creator?
You can uncover how to create more revenue, passively.

…as a Designer?
You can raise your rates because your pages will convert better.

…as a Coach or Consultant?
You can give new strategies to your clients.

…as a Bootstrapping Entrepreneur?
You’ll learn how to DIY like the pros.

Ready to All the Details Beyond this FG Society Review?

Go here for a free on-demand webinar explaining more, or click here for the full sales page with alllllll the details.

Both of these links go into more specifics than this review. It also has all the latest specifics of the program.

My FG Society Affiliate Bonuses

If you purchase through any link on this FG Society review page, not only will you get all the amazing bonuses from FG Society, but you’ll also get my bonuses!

Bonus 1: Two “Day of Voxer” Coaching Sessions with Me (value: $1,000)

A “Day of Voxer” is a full day of you and I chatting back and forth via a free walkie-talkie like app called Voxer. It's a day where you're allowed to “pick my brain” all you want. 

A Day of Voxer is magical because of the “processing” space it provides. During a coaching call or QA session, there’s a clock counting down, so we feel pressured to cram a bunch of stuff in. With a Day of Voxer, you ask those questions and make progress faster.

Basically, it’s the most incredible way to get stuff done with my help. And it’s perfect for the pre-test questions or a review of your final funnel test before you submit it to Julie + Cathy.

Bonus 2: Automated Audience (value: $497)

Automated Audience is my course that helps you create a lead magnet funnel on autopilot using Facebook Ads. It goes deeper into this kind of funnel than FG Society does and covers building the right lead magnet to work specifically with Facebook Ads.

Bonus 3: My Full Email Template Library (value: $2,000)

You’ll get allllllll the templates I use for email marketing for my business and my clients. Some of these are in Relationship Revenue (my email marketing course), but not all of them. The ones I get asked for the most are the upsell sequence and the webinar sequence.

Here’s the full list:

  • Welcome to the List Emails (3 emails)
  • Welcome to a Product/Consumption Emails (5 emails)
  • ​​New Subscriber Promos (6 emails)
  • ​​Movin' On Up Upsell Promos (12 emails)
  • ​​​Product Launch Emails (6 emails)
  • Evergreen Webinar Emails (7 emails)
  • ​​Story Sell Emails (3 emails)
  • ​​​Surprise Sell Emails (5 emails)
  • ​​​Testimonials Gathering (1 email)
  • ​​​Let's Find Out Emails (3 emails)
  • ​​​Re-Engagement Emails (5 emails)
  • Segment Your Existing List Emails (3 emails)
  • Abandoned Cart (4 emails)

How Do I Find Out More?

Julie + Cathy have put together a free, on-demand training where you’ll learn how this applies to you, no matter your industry or title.

Or, if you prefer to read, click here for a very detailed web page that explains everything in much more depth than I did here. 

Can I Reach Out to You to Ask Questions about this FG Society Review?

Yes, of course! Simply click that little chat bubble on the bottom right of the screen, ask your questions about this FG Society Review (or any other question about it), and it’ll send me a message!

I'm Ready to Sign Up!

Wooohooo!! Can't wait to welcome you into the group!

You can sign up for FG Society here.

And thank you! I'm glad this FG Society review + my bonuses helped you make your decision!

Disclaimer: this page contains affiliate links. What that means is that we may earn a small commission when you make a purchase after clicking links on our site. There is no additional cost to you. This allows this site to be reader-supported and only recommend things we use and love!

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