5 Easy-To-Do Email Copywriting Tips

Ever found yourself trapped in the vortex of email copywriting, searching for the right words, tone, and rhythm? 

The words linger just beyond reach, and hitting that “Send” button feels like scaling a mountain?

If so, you're not alone. 

But what if I told you that writing email copy is easier with five easy-to-implement tips? 

  1. Write Like You Talk – Breathe life into your words.
  2. Change the Font & Read Again – A fresh perspective for clarity.
  3. Find Words That Your Target Audience Uses – Speak their language.
  4. Simply Hit “Send” – Embrace courage and confidence.
  5. Use a Template – Your secret weapon for efficiency.

Ready to leave uncertainty behind and write emails that resonate? 

Dive in and discover the key to unlocking the impact and efficiency you've been seeking. 

Your email transformation starts now. 🚀✉️

Tip 1 - Write Like You Talk

Write like you talk, with a bit of clean up. That's a secret to all good email copywriting.

But, what does that mean?

It means, write like you talk but take out words that make it hard to read. Word like “that” or “just”.

That is the BEST email copywriting skill you can learn because people want to connect with people and it's easy to connect through talking.

My secret weapon for doing this is Grammarly!

This is an easy peasy tool that you can use to catch any errors you make, for free. (If you want to go premium it can also make your writing clearer, nail the tone you want, and improve the overall word flow.)

Because no matter how good you are at writing — whether you’re an author or haven’t written a paper since high school — you’re going to make mistakes. 😳

I have it installed to double-check me EVERYWHERE!

Use it to check and improve any email copywriting you do, and you don’t have to stress about missed punctuation because Grammarly's got you. 😉

Tip 2 - Change the Font & Read Again

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself and felt utterly horrified by what you sounded like?

In that case, I’ve got some bad news for you… writing is often like that too. 

We write to ourselves and it sounds great in our head… but that same sentence can sound very different to your readers. 

That’s why it’s useful to get someone else to read it before you hit “send”… but oftentimes we don’t have that luxury.

Luckily, I have a trick to combat this!

👉 Switch up the font.

For example, change a font to something like this!

This forces your brain to read it differently. 

Try it sometime so you can recognize where your words go wonky and make your emails infinitely better.

Tip 3 - Find Words Your Target Audience Uses

One of the email copywriting commandments is to know your audience because targeted, relevant content will always convert better. 

But how do you get to know your target audience?

One of my favorite tricks is to head to Quora

This question and answer platform is a gold mine for discovering…

  • What questions are people asking?
  • Do they use any specific language/words to ask those questions? 
  • Are they getting answers? If so, what kind of answers? 
  • What gets upvotes? 

I’ve actually been using Quora as research for writing sales copy this week because it helps me figure out what resonates with people.

You can use it to create more content, find copy nuggets, better understand your audience, and overall books your copywriting game. 💪

Tip 4 - Find the Courage to Hit “Send”

Do you know the top thing that holds people back from hitting “send”?

A lack of confidence.

This could be a lack of confidence in…

  • The email content (“But what if it’s not good enough? What if it’s too much”)
  • How people will receive it (“What if they don’t like the email?”)
  • Your own expertise (“Am I qualified enough to talk about this?”)

Now, I know that you’re a rockstar 🤘, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yourself.

So next time you go to write an email… Stand up, feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, hands on your hips… you know, a classic Superhero Pose. 🦸‍♀️

I don’t know where I learned this, but I’ve been doing this for years.

It helps give me the boost of energy and imbues my mindset with the confidence to get. it. done. (Even if I lack confidence in myself or get super nervous.)

Try out your own Superhero pose and send those emails! 📩📩📩

Tip 5 - Use a Template for Writing Email Copy

Back when I worked at Ernst & Young (one of the world’s largest consulting firms), we were in trouble if we ever started from scratch. 

They curated a large knowledge base and expected every employee to use it to start from a proven baseline, aka a template.

This is a strategy you should absolutely steal.

Create your own templates that you know work for you and your audience or steal mine. 

I put my best email templates in my best-selling email marketing course Relationship & Revenue. It has everything you need to create a rock-solid email marketing strategy, including what to say, when to say it, and why you say it.

Even using these for a while will help you dramatically improve your email writing skills because you'll be learning from proven templates instead of staring at a blank page.

What’s Next for Your Email Marketing?

Remember, emails don't have to be boring, and neither does writing them. 

You've taken the leap, embraced the five tips, and now your inbox will never be the same. 

Want to go even deeper into email copywriting? Check out 4 Steps to Creating a Clickable Call to Action in Your Emails

Happy emailing, and here's to crafting messages that aren't just read but remembered. 💌

2 Responses

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