High-Converting Lead Magnets are More than Just Pretty

Your lead magnet can kick off a powerful relationship where your leads go down a path of discovery, viewing you as a trusted advisor, and wanting to buy from you…

but only if you build it that way.

The reality is that there are 6 game-changing components that must come together to make a high-converting lead magnet that SERVES your lead AND you.

Let's Break These Down, Shall We?

A high-converting lead magnet starts off by Solving One Struggle and being Easily Consumed (AKA easy for your leads to use).

This is the part I see most people get wrong
 with lead magnets. People build these big long ebooks that try to solve multiple struggles.

As a result, their
 leads are often overloaded with information and have too much to do before they can get a win. 

There’s no way they are ready to buy a paid offer after that overwhelming experience.

Instead, two
 “S” and “E”s work together to make sure your offer is clear and your lead gets a quick win.

Doing this gives them
 a little taste of how incredible you are.


We are going to use this win to build a Relationship Ramp. They know you helped them solve one struggle, which means you can help them solve other things.

You’ll also want to make sure that your lead magnet is Visually Compelling. Because when it comes time to make a funnel, you’ll need a visual that catches their attention and causes them to take fast action and subscribe!

The other “E” Explains a New Problem to them so that you “S”, Suggest Next Steps, and start moving them into paid offers.

When you put this all together, you get a lead magnet that SERVES you and your lead by…

If that’s all you need to know to build your own high-converting lead magnet, then fantastic! I’m excited for you to make that happen!

But… if you need MORE help and want the nitty-gritty details, I have a course just for you.

Get a High-Converting Lead Magnet with the…

SERVES Lead Magnet Course

Here’s What’s Inside

6 In-Depth Training Videos

Tools & Templates

Extra Bonuses

And, of course, you’ll need a couple of extras, so I’m adding those in for you!

And You Can Get All This for Only $47


“I am new to this email marketing and found the framework very helpful. 

You have a disarming way of unfolding the information, making it something that I believe I can do.”

Supporting Women over 50 Going Through Divorce

SERVES Lead Magnet Course

Total Value = $297

I Could Charge = $97

Today's Investment = $47

you'll save $40, that's an 85% discount!!

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Maybe You're Looking for Info about Me and If I Can Really Help You....

Let's find out, shall we?

Hi, I'm Monica Snyder

I'm a software engineer turned certified marketer. There aren't many people like me which is great for you for two reasons… 

1) I value efficiency and systems above most other things in business. 
2) I simplify complex things so people undestand and use the efficient systems I create.

Here's What Others Say About Me…

Ready to Jump In?

Or Maybe You’re Questioning…

Will this work for me if I’m a service provider/coach/consultant/course creator?

Yes! This framework works well for all those because you’re demonstrating to your lead that you can help them solve a problem. That leads them to trust you to solve more of their problems (which they will happily pay for).

Will this work for me if my business is ecommerce?

That depends… if you have a small product set and want to create a bond with your customers by demonstrating that you can solve their problems, then yes.

If you’re trying to be a brand like Macy*s or Target, then skip this offer.

What if I don’t like it?

I hear you! It’s always scary trying something new!
If you don’t like it, you can simply request a refund within 7 days, and we will give you your money back and remain friends.

What if my paid products don’t solve a problem?

I believe people pay for a product because it solves their problem.

That problem may be that they want to be entertained (why we buy movies), that they want a shortcut (why templates and recipes are bought), they want to impress people (why luxury brands exist), or a ton of other reasons.
Your job as a marketer and product creator is to find those problems and help people solve them.
I realize you’re still thinking… but my thing doesn’t solve a problem. If you think that, I encourage you to ask your customers (or potential customers) what problems your product solves. You’ll be surprised by the answers.

How long will it take?

The 7 trainings are about 90 minutes long. You have unlimited access so you can work at your own pace.

Creating your specific lead magnet will probably take between 20 minutes and 10 hours. I know that’s a wide range, but if you’re reusing something you have, 20 minutes may be all it takes. If you’re creating something from scratch, it will take longer.

You might also wonder how long it’ll take to see results… I’ve had clients see results on the first day. BUT that isn’t typical. You’ll want at least 100 people to see your SERVES Lead Magnet before determining if it works.

How is it delivered? Any special tech needed?

All the training is inside your member’s area so you have everything in one place.
This course uses only free technology, specifically Google Docs, Google Sheets, and the free version of Canva.

Didn't See Your Question?

Chat with us using the the little bubble in the bottom corner of this page.


I know you can create an amazing lead magnet that grows your list and drives revenue.

But, you probably don't know me so I don't expect you to trust me (yet).
That's why I'm adding this rock-solid guarantee.

If you're not 100% happy with the SERVES Lead Magnet Course, the videos, the templates, and the bonuses within 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

You can join today without making a final decision.

Take the full 30 days to dive into all the goodness that is inside…
the trainings, the templates, the checklists, and the insider information.

Experience the SERVES Lead Magnet Course for yourself and see if it can impact your business.

That way you can make a decision based on real information, not just thoughts swimming in your head that may not be (probably aren't) true.

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